Insurance Companies:
Blue Cross
BPA - Benefit Plan Administrators
Canada Life (Great West Life)
Canadian Construction Workers Union
Chambers of Commerce Group Insurance Plan
Desjardins Insurance
First Canadian
GMS Carrier 49
GMS Carrier 50
Industrial Alliance
Johnson Inc
Johnston Group Inc
LiUNA Local 183
LiUNA Local 506
Manulife Financial
Maximum Benefit
Sun Life Financial
TELUS AdjuiCare
I am happy to offer you the ability to Directly Bill most major insurance companies. It is important to let me know prior to your appointment so that we can have all the required paper work filled out. Some but not all insurance companies may require a Medical Doctors Note, this must be arranged with your provider prior to direct billing. Any issues or interruption with the direct billing process may lead you to pay in full for your appointment, and you will be provided with a receipt that you can submit manually for reimbursement.
Contact me directly to set up the correct forms to allow me to bill for you.