It will be a gradual slow and steady start back to Massage Therapy. As we are officially allowed to open treating patients with most serious needs first. What does this mean for you? It means we all need to be ready for some changes and be patient.
It means that my hours are greatly reduced for now, working less evening hours and less days. It means I must leave at least 30 min. between each patient to accomplish all the disinfecting requirements needed. I will need to wear both a mask and a face shield.. so I had better be sure my eyebrows look amazing:)
You will need to wear a mask to the appointment, however you will not need to wear it when face down only while lying on your back face up. Treatment if needed to neck and head will mostly be when you are face down to limit contact, unless deemed necessary.
I will need to move and rebook clients many times over the next month or two as we continue to sort things my apologies! Watch for emails:)
At this time I will not be able to treat children, pregnancy or high risk patients at this time, again I hope you understand, but it is not worth the risk.
Implemented Public Health Measures As Mandated By The College of Massage Therapists of Ontario
– Every surface that comes into client contact will be disinfected (Health Canada approved) and/or changed prior to and after every appointment. This includes massage table, pillows, blankets, sheets, chair, pens, light switches, faucets, handrails, doorknobsetc. – I will be wearing a fresh surgical mask per client and will ask clients to bring their own mask (surgical or cloth) to wear throughout the appointment. – I will complete my own COVID-19 screening prior to each appointment and will reschedule if I answer “YES” to any questions, or if you are a high risk patient. – I will respect physical distancing measures (2m) when at all possible
I have installed an air purifier with hepa filter in my room, and will also have a window open when able. – Immediately before and after every client, I wash my hands for 20 seconds up to the elbow and sanitize in between as necessary. – I have completed the necessary additional training regarded PPE, droplet and contact precautions – Health History questionaires and receipts will be sent electronically via email
New Instructions for Clients
● Please complete COVID-19 screening questionnaire at booking and immediately prior to your appointment. If you answer “YES” to any questions, please contact ne to discuss rebooking. If you answer “NO” to all questions, please send the signed form back via email. ● Please wear your own surgical or cloth mask to your appointment and throughout your treatment. If you do not have your own mask, one washable mask will be provided for you. ● Please wait in your vehicle until 5 MINS PRIOR TO YOUR APPOINTMENT then enter through the front door. ● Please use the hand sanitizer provided before entering the clinic. ● Please remove your shoes in the entry way and proceed to your treatment space, limiting the use of the washroom for emergency only. ● Please respect physical distancing measures (2m) when at all possible ● Please understand that I need the time in between appointments to follow sanitization guidelines as you efficiently leave your appointment.
Thank you so much for your patience and understanding as we navigate a safe path to resuming your health care.”