OK, so we are half the way through the summer, we now have parks open, splash pads open, pools open, what's not to love? Well there is the whole must wear a mask thing, must make an appointment to walk on the trails in parks and have a picnic, must follow arrows in stores or be at risk of judgment and scowls. But we can get our hair cut, we can go to the Drive-in Theater or see a movie (not that there are many if any new releases), we can go camping and we can take a lot of very long drives in the country with our family that we have spent the last 4-5 months in lock down with. So getting into a small vehicle for a few hours may not sound like that much of a positive....but hey, I am going for some optimism here.
You can also go for a massage. Yes I am accepting all existing patients now, minus kids under 16, pregnancy and those at high risk. Massage right now is still a little different, but the important part is that it is still your time.
Time for you to focus on you, in whatever way you need. Mental time out, physical relaxation, increasing your range of motion or flexibility or just contact with one another as human beings.
So we have been through a lot of changes recently and I am going to throw a couple more at you. I know you can handle it, they are relatively small all things considered. SoapVault, my booking software that I love, has rebranded as Noterro. Do not be afraid, it is the same program, you can use your same login information, but you may just be prompted to re-sign in. No worries if you forgot your password, you can reset that too.
Prior to each and every appointment you must fill out a Covid-19 Intake form and Waiver that must be viewed and signed...easy right?
Also worth noting, with all the changes and adaptations that had to be made during Covid-19 I will need to implement a $3.00 increase. There have been many changes and costs incurred to keep up with the College of Massage Therapists, Health Canada and for overall public safety. This will not come into effect until September 1,2020.
So outside of all those sadded changes, I endeavor to keep my quiet office space as stress reducing as possible. It is a place to come where you can just be. Leave all else behind and be what you need. Anyone that knows me, also know the my office is MY HAPPY PLACE, and I will happily share that with you.
Be kind, smile often and live in the moment.
See you soon.