So having completed week 5 of being, what feels like locked in my home like a bunny in a cage, with no one to take me out and hold me in their lap...I have found out a few things about myself. One...I do not enjoy being on lock down and two, I do not do well with too much time on my hands. So after finishing a lot of around the house projects, I finally have time to think. To process what is going on both inside my mind and outside my house.
Out of difficult times comes amazing things, you may just need to take the time to look.
“I will love the light for it shows me the way, yet I will endure the darkness for it shows me the stars.” – Og Mandino

So I feel very blessed to have been able to spend so much time with my 13 year old daughter. When I had my first child, he had me all to himself for 6 years, but my daughter has never had that kind of unobstructed focus of my time (lucky her)...until now. This is time I never imagined I would have. Time to really get to know her and how she responds to stress, home schooling, and the ever changing world around her. What I have observed, is if I stay out of the equation ( not sharing my concerns or anxiety over the news), she is perfectly fine. She texts or chats with her friends, does her homework, walks our dog, watches the odd show and continues to not help with housework...she is carrying on normally. Kids are adaptable, way more than we are. She will be the new generation, she will change how she lives. This is inspiring to me.
“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent. It is the one that is most adaptable to change.” Charles Darwin
She doesn't worry about what will come tomorrow, next week or next month, My daughter focuses on today and what is for lunch. This is the way our normal or what some are calling, "new normal" will be. It will be a constantly adapting, look for the good, make due with what we have and carry on type of life. It will be a no time for "BS", be nice to others because you do not know what they and their family have just gone through, pay it forward, "we are all in this together", type of life.
We can live with less, make and craft what we need, enjoy every moment. Out of this time of struggle and challenge comes realization, and wonderful moments. Realization that we all need to slow down, smell those spring flowers as they bloom and be thankful for every little thing, because it is amazing how things can change overnight.
